The escalators in Singapore run at 299,792,458 meters per second, or in layman's terms, the speed of light. Each time when I step on, I look like an agoraphobe stepping out of my house for the first time in twelve years pushing myself to agonizingly get on an escalator to venture into the world.
I stand there and put my foot out, whip it back, put my foot out, start sweating, take it back, finally take a deep breath and jump on in the hopes that I make it onto a step.
I ride with my cheeks and hair flying back while holding onto the side rail as my feet struggle to stay on the step. My fingers dig into the plastic of the rail and slowly slide back with the air current.
Then comes the getting off.
I brace myself to jump and make the leap and my entire body grinds to an abrupt halt and I have to hold tightly onto my clothing, so as to not let it fly off in the speed of the moment.
I think it may be possible that the sole thing I look forward to getting back to in the States are escalators that you can mindlessly step on and off of without fear of public humiliation, emotional distress and bodily injury.
are you kidding me? stop it. i can totally picture this happening (to you)